Join the Green Party!
Anyone fed up with the other parties should give the Greens a try
Come meet the NEW Franklin County Green Party
Monday, May 9, 2011
7:00 P.M.
Hear Harvey Wasserman – speaking on the Japanese nuclear disaster
Northwood and High Street building
Suite 100
(one block north of Lane Ave, off of High Street)

Bob discusses the “War on Drugs” with former Border Patrol Guard Terry Nelson

This week’s show – Wednesday, May 4

Terry Nelson ,former US Border Patrol and Homeland Security Officer says“Al Capone brought appalling violence to American streets during our first prohibition. But, it was nothing in comparison to what the Mexican drug cartels have in store for us if we do not stop this senseless war on drugs.”

Here’s how to call in to Bob Fitrakis’ new radio show:

On Wednesday nights at 7:00 pm
Go to:

Click on “Listen Live”
Bob’s program “Fight Back!” will be on
Call 877-932-9766
Make your voice heard! Get up, stand up for your rights!