
Dr. Bob and Dr. Marilyn Howard interview Timothy Richardson and Summer on the issue of selective justice, long prison sentences and accusations of a racist parole board.

Second half of show with Alex and Torrey who suffered an abusive situation at Taco Bell at Ohio State University campus on the way to the emergency room with medical need. More stories of Homeland Security on personal integrity (the return of the Stasi?). See previous show for more background: https://fitrakis.org/police-abuse-in-columbus-the-other-side-of-the-news-august-10-2015/

To Cuba with Love
Report Back by Bob Fitrakis and Suzanne Patzer

Monday, August 24, 2015 – Central Ohioans for Peace meeting
Columbus Mennonite Church
35 Oakland Park Avenue
The Central Ohioans for Peace meet regularly on Monday evenings at 7pm at the Columbus Mennonite Church, 35 Oakland Park Avenue. Each meeting has a different peace-oriented presentation. On August 24, Columbus Free Press Editors Bob Fitrakis and Suzanne Patzer will present on their week-long “To Cuba with Love” delegation with Code Pink. In February they joined in the first large U.S. people-to-people visit to Cuba since the warming of relations last December. They will share their experiences touring the country, meeting with public officials including Mariela Castro, visits with Cuban people and impressions of the state of the nation under the U.S. embargo. Also presenting will be Lisa Valanti, longtime Pastors for Peace activist. They will lead a discussion on the future of U.S.-Cuban relations.
Free and open to the public.
614-253-2571 or colsfreepress@gmail.com


The Other Side Of The News / FightBack


The Columbus Free Press . Com


A must listen. Two friends try to help an Asthmatic get treatment at OSU ER. All of them get arrested. This is their excruciating story in person. Bob interviews three young people who were detained, harassed and arrested by Columbus police.