Bob Fitrakis talks about rift within the Tea Party
30:00 minutes (27.46 MB)
Bob Fitrakis, Connie Gadell Newton and Connie Harris on the Occupy the Statehouse regional action #1
30:00 minutes (27.47 MB)
Bob Fitrakis talks about rift within the Tea Party
30:00 minutes (27.46 MB)
Bob Fitrakis, Connie Gadell Newton and Connie Harris on the Occupy the Statehouse regional action #1
30:00 minutes (27.47 MB)
Bob Fitrakis on “Fight Back”: David Swanson on Iran and other current events
Bob interviews anti-war activist David Swanson on the escalating situation in Iran, a petition to remove Obama’s Nobel Peace Prize, the efforts to arrest George W. Bush and other current events.
Listen and call in this Wednesday, March 7
7 – 8 PM
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All shows rebroadcast on WCRSFM community radio 98.3/102.1 Wednesdays at 8pm
Bob and Connie interview Susan Carter from the Ohio Fair Food campaign, the Immokolee workers and the effort to get Trader Joe’s and Krogers in Columbus to sign off on the fair food agreement.
Bob Fitrakis on “Fight Back”: Greg Palast
Greg Palast will talk about his new book Vultures’ Picnic: In Pursuit of Petroleum Pigs, Power Pirates and High-Finance Carnivores.
Listen and call in this Wednesday, November 16
7 – 8 PM
Call 877-932-9766
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By Bob Fitrakis
Nov. 7, 2011
The Green, Libertarian, Socialist, Constitution and Americans Elect Parties are all designated as official parties on the ballot for the 2012 presidential election in Ohio. On October 18, 2011 the Federal District Court in Columbus ordered Secretary of State John Husted to recognize the Libertarian Party, As a result of that order, Husted issued Directive 2011-38 on November 1, 2011 which placed the four other minor parties on the Ohio ballot.
The U.S. Court of Appeals for the 6th Circuit found Ohio’s minor party election laws unconstitutional in September 2006. In the case Libertarian Party of Ohio v. Blackwell, the court held that both Ohio’s laws involving minor party formation as well as ballot access were unconstitutionally restrictive.
In 2008, in the Green Party of Ohio v. Brunner, then Secretary of State Jennifer Brunner entered into a consent decree with the Green Party that allowed both the Green and the Constitution Party on the ballot. The federal judge set as a standard that the minor parties had to show a “modicum” of support in Ohio to stay on the ballot. The judge set the standard at 1% of the statewide vote.
Early in 2011, the Republican-dominated legislature passed House Bill 194 essentially tossing the minor parties off the ballot and adopting similar standards for minor party ballot access that had already been determined unconstitutional.
The main thrust of HB 194 however, was to disenfranchise hundreds of thousands of Ohio voters that tended to vote Democratic. A vast coalition led by the Democratic Party with the assistance of the minor parties filed signatures to repeal the law at the end of September.
The filing of the repeal petitions for HB 194 put the controversial law on hold until voters go to the polls in November 2012.
The Green Party of Ohio threatened to file a contempt motion against the Ohio Secretary of State’s office and force them to show cause why the 2008 agreement was not being honored. Minor parties were also planning to file suits similar to the Libertarian Party to be placed on the ballot.
Consequently, the Secretary of State’s new directive requires only that minor parties need only “…one-half the minimum number of signatures required for candidates of major political parties.”
The only minor party not previously deemed as an officially recognized minor party on the ballot in Ohio is the “virtual third-party” Americans Elect Party. The Party is registered as a nonprofit social welfare organization and it is attempting to secure ballot status in all 50 states. It gathered nearly 2 million signatures from supporters of the idea. As a nonprofit social welfare organization, it is allowed by law to keep its donors secret, according to McClatchy Newspapers’ Washington bureau.
Americans Elect is associated with Peter Ackerman, the investment banker who was the founding chair of the International Center on Nonviolent Conflict.
The Green Party is planning to run candidates for U.S. Senate, President, and various Congressional seats in 2012.
Bob Fitrakis is general counsel for the Ohio Green Party and filed the suit against Jennifer Brunner in 2008 that placed the Green Party on the ballot.
Bob Fitrakis on “Fight Back”:
NAACP’s Greg Moore on the upcoming November 8 elections
Bob and Greg will discuss the Issues on the ballot in Ohio, voter suppression and politics.
Listen and call in this Wednesday November 2
7 – 8 PM
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Bob Fitrakis “Fight Back”: Free Press reporter Tom Over from Washington DC protests
Listen and call in this Wednesday October 26
7 – 8 PM
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Bob Fitrakis on “Fight Back”: David Cobb talking about corporate personhood
Cobb is a former Green Party Presidential candidate and emphasized efforts to limit excessive corporate power. David Cobb will be in Columbus on Saturday October 22 speaking on “Corporations are not Persons and Money is not Speech.” It will be issues of citizen rights to corporations and Citizens United.
Listen and call in this Wednesday October 19
7 – 8 PM
Call 877-932-9766
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Free Press FREE Movie:
Dirty Business: “Clean Coal” And The Battle for Our Energy Future
Tuesday, October 25 • 7:30pm – 9:00pm
Drexel Theater, 2254 E. Main St., Bexley
Can coal ever really be made “clean”? Watch the 90-minute documentary that investigates. Half our electricity comes from coal, the largest single source of greenhouse gases. But it doesn’t have to be that way. Featuring stories from China to West Virginia, Dirty Business reveals the true social and environmental costs of coal power and explores the murky realities of “clean coal” technology. Guided by Rolling Stone reporter Jeff Goodell, the film highlights the work of energy innovators and the viable, renewable alternatives they offer in an age of rapid climate change. Winner of both the Bronze Plaque and the Award at the CIFVF.
Co-sponsored by the Free Press, Drexel Theater, Columbus Film Council and the Central Ohio Green Education Fund Award., 253-2571
Bob Fitrakis’ “Fight Back”: Guest Ben Carnes, Native American activist
Bob and Ben will discuss Columbus Day and its implications for the Native communities of our country. Ben Carnes is a Choctaw activist and writer who received the 1987 Oklahoma Human Rights Award for making a stand against forced hair-cutting policies while incarcerated. After his parole in August 1988, he has been involved in organizing events and demonstrations on behalf of Native people and Native prisoners, including Leonard Peltier. His experiences have led to being asked to testify before congressional committees, and speak at numerous universities, public forums and events.
Listen and call in this Wednesday October 12
7 – 8 PM
Call 877-932-9766
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