Jill Stein, Green Party Presidential Candidates statement on matching fund Goal reached

Tuesday, June 26, 7:30pm
Drexel Theater, 2254 E. Main St., Bexley

Contested Streets explores the history of 20th Century transportation in America and how we got into the auto-supreme society with its lack of transportation options. The movie takes us to the European cities of Copenhagen, Paris and London and shows the steps they have taken to make their cities more multimodal. 57 minutes
Moving Beyond the Automobile is a series of segments on new and more progressive policies and transportation elements that are happening which are making our cities easier to navigate. These include bus rapid transit, highway removal, transit-oriented development, traffic calming and more. 39 minutes
Ben Wickizer, Sierra Club staff person who works on transportation issues, will be there to lead a discussion afterwards. The Sierra Club will have postcards for people to sign and a sheet where people can sign up to get more information on transportation issues, plus literature.
truth@freepress.org, 253-2571

Events: Saturday, June 9, 2012

Free Press Second Saturday Salon – 6:30-midnight
Join progressive friends to socialize, network, eat, drink, dialog about social justice isssues, and hear music.
Presentation: Jay Warmke of Blue Rock Station, a green living sustainability center and author of the new book “When the Biomass hits the Wind Turbine.”
1021 E. Broad St., Columbus. East side door, parking in front or rear.
253-2571, truth@freepress.org.

and don’t forget to listen to
Fight Back on WVKO 1580AM from 11am-12noon
Bob Fitrakis and Harvey Wasserman talk about the Wisconsin election and voter purges in Florida and Ohio.
Call in at 614-821-1580

and check out the movie:
Heist: Who Stole the American Dream? – 11:30AM at the Gateway
A new, groundbreaking feature documentary about the roots of the American economic crisis, and the continuing assault on working and middle class people in the United States. “HEIST” unflinchingly reveals the crumbling structure of the U.S. economy – the result of four decades of deregulation, massive job outsourcing, and tax policies favoring mega-corporations and wealthy elites, implemented by both Republican and Democratic parties.
After detailing how the economy has been derailed, HEIST offers a robust Take Action section with real world solutions and up-to-the-minute footage from the Occupy Wall Street movement – an essential primer for everyday Americans to participate in the restoration of economic fairness and our democracy.
Also playing June 14 at 4:30pm.
Gateway Film Center, OSU campus
1550 North High Street
Columbus, OH 43201

Saturday, June 9, 2012, 11:30AM
Heist: Who Stole the American Dream?
A new, groundbreaking feature documentary about the roots of the American economic crisis, and the continuing assault on working and middle class people in the United States. “HEIST” unflinchingly reveals the crumbling structure of the U.S. economy – the result of four decades of deregulation, massive job outsourcing, and tax policies favoring mega-corporations and wealthy elites, implemented by both Republican and Democratic parties.
After detailing how the economy has been derailed, HEIST offers a robust Take Action section with real world solutions and up-to-the-minute footage from the Occupy Wall Street movement – an essential primer for everyday Americans to participate in the restoration of economic fairness and our democracy.
Also playing June 14 at 4:30pm.
Gateway Film Center, OSU campus
1550 North High Street
Columbus, OH 43201

Saturday, June 9, 2012, 6:30-midnight
Free Press Second Saturday Salon
Join progressive friends to socialize, network, eat, drink, dialog about social justice isssues, and hear music.
1021 E. Broad St., Columbus. East side door, parking in front or rear.
253-2571, truth@freepress.org.

WVKO 1580AM FIGHT BACK radio show with Bob Fitrakis and Rob Kall as guest and Cointel Discussion Event

This week – COINTELPRO rises again! Interview with Rob Kall, OpEdNews
And a report from an activist at the NATO protest in Chicago
Saturday, May 26
Call-in 614-821-1580

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Memorial Day Weekend
And Discussion

What: We grew up believing we had the legally protected right to petition our government for redress of grievences. However in the 1960’s-70’s COINTELPRO disagreed. This government-run program targeted and harmed many individuals and organizations who are now recognized as visionary & heroic (Dr Martin Luther King, Malcolm X, Albert Einstein, NAACP, CORE, Southern Christian Leadership Council, etc.) Since then both the Bush & Obama administrations have passed legislation further erroding our rights to dissent and eliminating many vital “due process” protections for both American Citizens & Foreign Nationals.

Why: Remember those who have fallen in the struggle for human rights. Discuss COINTELPRO and other anti-democratic programs used to surveil, infiltrate, disrupt and harm civil rights activists & their organizations.

Who: Speakers include Bob Fitrakis, noted Civil Rights Attorney & Green Party Candidate for Congress (12th District). Suzanne Patzer/Columbus Free Press. Ben Turk/Redbird Prison Abolition.

When: Saturday, May 26th. Doors open at 6:30pm with free food & music. Speakers begin at 7pm. Admittance is free.

Where: InfoShop. 172 East Fifth Ave. About 3 blocks off High St. Between Summit & North 4th Street.

Disclaimer: Today’s Human Rights Struggles are peaceful and democratic. However the 1% against whom we struggle are not. This may be the most important workshop/discussion you attend all year. Come join us.

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Dr. Fitrakis and Rob Kall

WVKO 1580AM FIGHT BACK radio show with Bob Fitrakis and Rob Kall as guest and Cointel Discussion Event

This week – COINTELPRO rises again! Interview with Rob Kall, OpEdNews
And a report from an activist at the NATO protest in Chicago
Saturday, May 26
Call-in 614-821-1580

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Memorial Day Weekend
And Discussion

What: We grew up believing we had the legally protected right to petition our government for redress of grievences. However in the 1960’s-70’s COINTELPRO disagreed. This government-run program targeted and harmed many individuals and organizations who are now recognized as visionary & heroic (Dr Martin Luther King, Malcolm X, Albert Einstein, NAACP, CORE, Southern Christian Leadership Council, etc.) Since then both the Bush & Obama administrations have passed legislation further erroding our rights to dissent and eliminating many vital “due process” protections for both American Citizens & Foreign Nationals.

Why: Remember those who have fallen in the struggle for human rights. Discuss COINTELPRO and other anti-democratic programs used to surveil, infiltrate, disrupt and harm civil rights activists & their organizations.

Who: Speakers include Bob Fitrakis, noted Civil Rights Attorney & Green Party Candidate for Congress (12th District). Suzanne Patzer/Columbus Free Press. Ben Turk/Redbird Prison Abolition.

When: Saturday, May 26th. Doors open at 6:30pm with free food & music. Speakers begin at 7pm. Admittance is free.

Where: InfoShop. 172 East Fifth Ave. About 3 blocks off High St. Between Summit & North 4th Street.

Disclaimer: Today’s Human Rights Struggles are peaceful and democratic. However the 1% against whom we struggle are not. This may be the most important workshop/discussion you attend all year. Come join us.

View Larger Map

You’re invited to join us for the:

Free Press Second Saturday Salon
May 12, 2012 – 6:30pm-midnight

Join progressive friends for food, drink, music, art, and a presentation on ecosocialism with Steve Bloom.

Watch the live national broadcast of the Green Party debate between presidential candidates Roseanne Barr and Jill Stein – 10:30pm!

1021 E. Broad St., east side door, parking on street or in rear.

From the same venue that brought you the Occupy Movement,
Tonight Saturday, May 12, The American Green Party Presents:
The historical debate between Roseanne Barr and Jill Stein
Live from 7:30 P.M. PDT (Pacific Daylight Time) 10:30 Eastern (EDT)

Watch live streaming video from greenpartyus at livestream.com

05/09/12 Trotsky In America, Eco-Socialism

05/02/12 Ohio’s Progressive Agenda

04/25/12 Unite Against The War On Women

From the same venue that brought you the Occupy Movement.
Tonight Saturday, May 12, The American Green Party Presents:
The historical debate between Roseanne Barr and Jill Stein
Live from 7:30 P.M. PDT (Pacific Daylight Time) 10:30 Eastern (EDT)
See Also: http://www.livestream.com/greenpartyus/video?clipId=pla_aa35968d-c059-4a57-9da4-20e08988d495&utm_source=lslibrary&utm_medium=ui-thumb

Watch live streaming video from greenpartyus at livestream.com