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Fight Back Saturday @ 11AM With Rob Kall OpEdNews and Cointel Event

Dr. Fitrakis and Rob Kall

WVKO 1580AM FIGHT BACK radio show with Bob Fitrakis and Rob Kall as guest and Cointel Discussion Event

This week – COINTELPRO rises again! Interview with Rob Kall, OpEdNews
And a report from an activist at the NATO protest in Chicago
Saturday, May 26
Call-in 614-821-1580

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Memorial Day Weekend
And Discussion

What: We grew up believing we had the legally protected right to petition our government for redress of grievences. However in the 1960’s-70’s COINTELPRO disagreed. This government-run program targeted and harmed many individuals and organizations who are now recognized as visionary & heroic (Dr Martin Luther King, Malcolm X, Albert Einstein, NAACP, CORE, Southern Christian Leadership Council, etc.) Since then both the Bush & Obama administrations have passed legislation further erroding our rights to dissent and eliminating many vital “due process” protections for both American Citizens & Foreign Nationals.

Why: Remember those who have fallen in the struggle for human rights. Discuss COINTELPRO and other anti-democratic programs used to surveil, infiltrate, disrupt and harm civil rights activists & their organizations.

Who: Speakers include Bob Fitrakis, noted Civil Rights Attorney & Green Party Candidate for Congress (12th District). Suzanne Patzer/Columbus Free Press. Ben Turk/Redbird Prison Abolition.

When: Saturday, May 26th. Doors open at 6:30pm with free food & music. Speakers begin at 7pm. Admittance is free.

Where: InfoShop. 172 East Fifth Ave. About 3 blocks off High St. Between Summit & North 4th Street.

Disclaimer: Today’s Human Rights Struggles are peaceful and democratic. However the 1% against whom we struggle are not. This may be the most important workshop/discussion you attend all year. Come join us.

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