ON IMPEACHMENT, Ohio’s Kucinich, Reasons To Impeach
The House of Representatives voted Wednesday, June 11 to send articles
of impeachment against President Bush to the Judiciary Committee for
review. The impeachment resolution’s sponsor, Rep. Dennis Kucinich,
requested a recorded vote on the motion around 3 p.m. Wednesday, and 24 Republicans joined nearly all Democrats in voting to send the
impeachment measure to the committee. The motion passed 251-166.
Kucinich also introduced articles of Impeachment against Richard Cheney
last year (H Res 333).
To those who believe that Impeachment is a waste of time, I offer this
“I don’t agree that impeachment divides, and I don’t agree that it
diverts. … I do think, however, that the failure to act now, given
the litany of abuses and the seriousness of abuses, could simply set
the groundwork for future presidents to do the same or worse. If we
want to preserve our democracy, then we have to act to hold the
President and the Vice President accountable.”
— Elizabeth Holtzman, four-term Congresswoman, former House Judiciary
Committee member, and coauthor, The Impeachment of George W. Bush: A
Practical Guide for Concerned Citizens
1) A President under impeachment proceedings cannot grant immunity to
others in the executive office, such as Rice, Cheney, Addington,
Meiers, Bolton, Rumsfeld, Gonzales, and of course, Karl Rove.
Article 2, Section 2, gives the President the “Power to grant reprieves
and pardons for offenses against the United States, except in cases of
impeachment.” Article 3, Section 2, says, “The trial of all crimes,
except in cases of impeachment; shall be by jury.
(Source: www.abanet.org/publiced/impeach2.html)
2) Impeachment may be the only way to prevent this administration from
taking military action against Iran. (Establishment media not
reporting on this, for more info google search “military action against
iran “2008” or http://www.truthout.org/article/bushs-deadly-diplomacy
Or call Pelosi, Reid, or your local congressperson via the Capital Hill
switchboard 202 224-3121
Dennis Kucinich says: “It is now imperative that the Judiciary
Committee begin a review of the 35 articles. I will be providing
supporting documentation to the committee so that it can proceed in an
orderly manner.”
“The weight of evidence contained in the articles makes it clear that
President Bush violated the Constitution and the U.S. Code as well as
international law,” said the Ohio lawmaker, whose efforts to impeach
Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney have been largely ignored by the
mainstream media.”
Kucinich’s action made an immediate splash on the Internet. For
example, at progressive website Democratic Underground, the historic
performance quickly garnered an astonishing 56 separate threads on the
most-recommended list.
By noon on Tuesday, RAW STORY’s article on the subject was the top
political story of the day at digg.com and the 10th most popular for
the last year. A separate article at afterdowningstreet.org was also
high in the ratings. Both sites, as well as Kucinich’s own webpage,
were experiencing slowdowns due to the volume of traffic.
However, the mainstream media were far more reticent in their coverage
of Kucinich’s resolution — much as they were following the release last
week of the Senate Intelligence Committee’s report on the
administration’s misuse of prewar intelligence. For example, the
Washington Post and USA Today had short items in their blog sections,
while other major outlets merely ran wire service coverage from AP or
Entire article: http://www.infowars.com/?p=2654
My Personal comments:
My friend John Judge, executive director of Coalition on Political
Assassinations, is working closely with Kucinich’s office on
Impeachment. Bob Fitrakis of the Columbus Free Press wrote the
sections of the Impeachment resolution pertaining to election fraud.
Besides calling John Conyers, you can sign the on line petition
supporting impeachment here:
More information at www.groundsforimpeachment.com/
If you have a friendly Congressman, it would also help if you could ask
if he will co-sponsor H Res 1258.
Pete Johnson
President, Columbus Institute for Contemporary Journalism