Two Upcoming Events Next Week, Sept. 27, 28, 2010 (really, it’s 2010!)

Monday, Sept. 27, 6-7:30pm
Wine and Cheese fund-raiser with the
Green Party Governor and Lieutenant Governor Candidates
Dennis Spisak and Anita Rios
Come meet Dennis and Anita, learn about Green Party key issues, get involved!
1021 E. Broad St., side door, parking in rear

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Tuesday, Sept. 28, 7:30pm
“Wetback” – The Undocumented Documentary
Free Press free film night
Drexel Theater, 2254 E. Main St., Bexley, Ohio
Sponsored by the Free Press, Central Ohio Green Education Fund and the League of United Latin American Citizens
Wetback, a quietly commanding documentary, follows in the footsteps of immigrants traveling on an extraordinary and extremely dangerous journey from Central America to “el Norte” – the United States. On their journeys, they encounter gangs and vigilantes, as well as border patrol. But these immigrants navigate real-life nightmares with uncanny calm, grace, even humor in their perilous pursuit of a better life. This powerful film puts into perspective the lives of those labeled “illegals” in this time of hostility toward immigrants in the United States. And director Arturo Perez Torres does all of us a favor by getting out of the way and allowing them to tell their stories. The film has won many awards, including Best Documentary, Cinequest Film Festival; Best Story, Festival Pamplona Punto de Vista; Spectrum Award Full Frame; and Audience Award, Chicago Latino Film Festival.