You are invited to the free movie:
“Everything’s Cool!”
Dubya’s answer to the global warming crisis

Tuesday, August 26, 2008 at 7:30pm
Drexel East Theater, 2254 East Main Street, Bexley

Filmmakers follow the country and our global warming messengers through an extraordinary three years of transformation,
from 2003-to the eve of 2007, with sometimes funny, sometimes tragic experiences.

EVERYTHING’S COOL is a film about America finally “getting” global warming in the wake of the most dangerous chasm ever to emerge between scientific understanding
and political action. While industry funded nay-sayers sing what just might be their swan song of pseudo-scientific deception, a group of self-appointed global warming messengers
went on a high stakes quest to find the iconic image, the magic language, the points of leverage that will finally create the political will to move the United States from its reliance on fossil fuels
to the new clean energy economy – AND FAST.
Hold on… this is bigger than changing your light bulbs.

Sponsored by the Free Press, Central Ohio Green Education Fund and the Drexel East Theater.

Film Site:

Free Press mourns the tragic passing of courageous U.S. Representative
Stephanie Tubbs-Jones
August 21, 2008

Bob Fitrakis, with the Ecological Options Network crew, interviewed Rep.
Tubbs-Jones after the 2004 election debacle and subsequent 2005 challenge
to the Ohio electoral votes. Watch it here:

You are invited to the free movie:
“Everything’s Cool!”
Dubya’s answer to the global warming crisis

Tuesday, August 26, 2008 at 7:30pm
Drexel East Theater, 2254 East Main Street, Bexley

Filmmakers follow the country and our global warming messengers through an extraordinary three years of transformation,
from 2003-to the eve of 2007, with sometimes funny, sometimes tragic experiences.

EVERYTHING’S COOL is a film about America finally “getting” global warming in the wake of the most dangerous chasm ever to emerge between scientific understanding
and political action. While industry funded nay-sayers sing what just might be their swan song of pseudo-scientific deception, a group of self-appointed global warming messengers
went on a high stakes quest to find the iconic image, the magic language, the points of leverage that will finally create the political will to move the United States from its reliance on fossil fuels
to the new clean energy economy – AND FAST.
Hold on… this is bigger than changing your light bulbs.

Sponsored by the Free Press, Central Ohio Green Education Fund and the Drexel East Theater.

Film Site:

By Chris Pepus

Monday, August 11 @ 00:00:00 EDT

The American press corps has finally begun to report on illegal activities of the Bush administration. However, the subject of election theft remains largely ignored. In recent years, the Republican Party has used an array of tactics to subtract votes from opposing candidates. These include sending defective voting machines to strongly Democratic precincts and removing low-income and minority voters from electoral rolls.

Reporter Greg Palast has been covering this issue since 2000, when he revealed that Florida officials ensured the election of George W. Bush by illegally suppressing the African-American and Democratic vote. (Learn more about that subject here.) In this interview, I asked Palast about his reports on the GOP’s dirty electoral tricks since 2000 and the possibility that the ’08 election will be stolen. He explained how the Help America Vote Act actually helps crooked Republicans and he previewed his upcoming broadcasts and publications, which will include a free guide with tips for safeguarding your vote.

–Chris Pepus

Chris: Your reports on vote suppression led to a congressional inquiry and the resignation of Tim Griffin, one of President Bush’s U.S. Attorneys.[i] Could you describe how the Bush administration interfered with voting rights in 2004?

Greg: Item one is something that we discovered called caging. There were e-mails written by the Republican National Committee’s chief researcher, a character named Tim Griffin, who was a protégé of Karl Rove.[ii] He was sending out caging lists, which are hit lists of voters to challenge. The way caging works is they send out registered letters to voters and when the voters aren’t around to receive their letters—the envelopes say, “Do Not Forward”—the voters end up being subject to challenge. The particular hit list that we got was substantially filled with voters from the naval air station in Jacksonville ( Florida). There are reasons why someone at a naval air station wouldn’t be at their voting address. That’s because, unlike Bush during Vietnam, they are off in a foreign war. Republicans also sent letters to students at black colleges in August knowing that they wouldn’t be there. They illegally challenged their votes. The Republicans challenged three million voters in 2004, which is absolutely unbelievable and unreported. That fact was right there in the records of the Election Assistance Commission of the federal government. Those voters received provisional ballots and a million of those ballots were thrown in the garbage. That is just one of the tricks. There are several and they are being sharpened for 2008.

Chris: But Griffin claimed that he didn’t know what caging was until he read your report. “I had to look it up,” he said.

Greg: Well, actually, I determined that he is correct. He sent out an e-mail saying, “Here is a caging list.” As he said, you have to be an expert in direct-mail marketing to understand what caging is. Now, that means that someone told him to send out an e-mail with caging lists, someone whose orders were so important that he wouldn’t question them, even if he didn’t know what (the list) was. Now, who would know direct marketing and who could give orders to Tim Griffin? Well, before he worked for George W. Bush, Karl Rove was head of Rove & Company, a direct-mail marketing firm. Rove is an expert on caging. Law professor Bobby Kennedy Jr., my co-investigator, says that this was an illegal act. So who ordered this illegal act? Hm, Mr. Rove?

Chris: How did you obtain these e-mails?

Greg: Griffin is not the sharpest knife in the drawer and he copied these e-mails not to, which was the campaign’s internal e-mail system, but rather to, a parody web site. The head of that site, John Wooden, knows me. He immediately passed (the e-mails) on to my team. He didn’t know what they were and, frankly, we didn’t know what they were at first either. It took a lot of work to decode.

Chris: Have there been any new developments in the case, other than Karl Rove’s refusal to testify before the House Judiciary Committee?

Greg: I have just returned from a meeting with David Iglesias, a fired prosecutor from New Mexico. Caging and gimmicks like it were behind his firing and the firings of other U.S. prosecutors.[iii] The U.S. press corps, as usual, got it completely wrong. The firing of U.S. Attorneys is not simply about the politics of the prosecutors or even the operations of their offices. Rather, it is about an attempt to force prosecutors to be involved in a scheme to arrest voters under voter-fraud laws to create hysteria to justify vote suppression. I was constantly asking Republicans, “If there are so many criminal voters, why haven’t you arrested them? Why aren’t there prosecutions?” The Republicans said, “Oh, there will be. Talk to David Iglesias.” I called him and other prosecutors and got all this hemming and hawing. So, I’m being told that Iglesias is about to bring prosecutions and he is saying, “I don’t think so.” It’s very clear to me that Iglesias was resisting phony prosecutions. He ran around the bases looking for fraudulent voters and he didn’t find one. Some were in the military, so they were not at their voting addresses.

I just came back from checking out some of the so-called fraudulent voters that Iglesias refused to prosecute. Republican leaders gave me their names. There was one lady, a waitress, who was signed up twice and there were two different signatures of her name. So I spoke to her—this “criminal”—and I said, “Did you register twice?” She said, “Yes.” She explained that, under the law, if you don’t receive formal acknowledgment of your registration, you can and should register again. They don’t put your name on the roll twice. I asked why there were two signatures: “Was there some fraudulent game going on?” She said: “No. One time, I signed at a table. The other time, I signed it on my hand.” This woman was supposed to be one of the six most obvious cases of a fraudulent voter in New Mexico. Governor Bill Richardson signed laws making it harder for people to register because of these so-called frauds. The laws are so horrible that Richardson, a Hispanic Democrat, is being sued by the Brennan Center for Justice for illegally impeding Hispanic voters.     

Chris: It’s remarkable how many groups are targeted. I recall reading about defective voting machines in (Palast’s 2006 book) Armed Madhouse. You mentioned that, in ’04, the county in New Mexico where the most votes disappeared was a predominantly white, working-class county.

Greg: Yeah, I call vote theft “class war by other means.” Places like Native American precincts, black precincts, and Mexican barrios are often the hardest hit. But, statistically, we find that it is income more than race that determines whether your vote will count. I can tell you the probability that your vote will count if you tell me your income. By the way, the Republican secretary of state[iv] in Colorado (Mike Coffman) just attacked me. I reported that he purged all these voters. He said, “Palast is just trying to raise money for his operation,” but he didn’t say I was wrong. He said he was just following the law. I’d heard all this from Katherine Harris[v] before. I’d said, “Guess the color of the voters purged.” He said, “We don’t keep track of voters’ race on our voter forms.” Yeah, right. They know. It’s by zip code. That’s the other thing: if they don’t know, they should know. Civil rights law does require election officials to take steps to determine that their actions don’t have a racial bias. When he said, “I don’t know,” that’s not true and, also, that’s not a legal answer. He’s supposed to know, especially when he removes a fifth of the voters in Colorado.

Chris: Another state with a history of vote suppression is Florida. In 2000, you reported that Florida Republicans removed tens of thousands of Democratic voters from the rolls. Have you found evidence pointing to a similar result this year?

Greg: Worse than ever. The whole nation’s been Floridated. George Bush signed the Help America Vote Act (in 2002) and, in 2006, they did a Katherine Harris on the whole nation. They told secretaries of state, who are partisan officials in every state, to purge away and remove “suspect voters.” A lot of the things that were illegal, like caging, that’s now in the law. Basically, we now have federal cover for mischief, instead of federal prohibition. In one New Mexico county, half the Democrats who showed up to vote in the (2008) primary/caucus couldn’t vote. You have address purges, I.D. purges. The Brennan Center said that about 85,000 voters in Florida are losing their right to vote, because they signed up in voter drives and couldn’t verify their identity. Overwhelmingly, those voters are black, because many black voters register in voter drives out of their churches. So, Florida’s back in the game. They’re just changing the rules.

Chris: How does the Help America Vote Act enable those tactics?

Greg: For example, Florida, when imposing special identity requirements on voter drives, they cited the Help America Vote Act. They said that it was required. Now, the fact that forty-six states don’t agree with them on that interpretation didn’t stop them. Also, HAVA basically required every state in America to change its laws. Once you open up the howling Pandora’s Box of election law, every reform becomes grounds for new mischief. HAVA creates this new shadow world of law. Florida officials said, “Well, we did this for HAVA.” Then the lawyers at the Brennan Center said, “Where in HAVA? How can you say this is for HAVA?” They said, “Oh, well, that’s our own interpretation.” Is this federal law? Is it state law? No, it’s Bush law; it’s Rove law. The nice thing about elections for vote thieves: there’s a “Fuck you” clause in vote theft. If you win, you control the review. You own the police.

Chris: Which provisions of the act are most often cited as authority for attacks on voting rights?

Greg: I go back to the 2006 codicils. Certain things kicked in in ’06 regarding verification of voter identity. That is the most mischievous thing. The law demanded that, beginning in ’06, each state must have centralized, computerized rolls of voters. Again, the first state to go full-on with computerized, centralized purging of voter rolls was Florida. That’s how we ended up with the phony felon purge (in 2000). With HAVA, they used the Florida fix as an excuse to create a so-called reform and the “reform” was to take Florida’s method and nationalize it. But people say, “Well, why shouldn’t we have verified rolls?” The answer is that this is a new law to prevent a crime that almost never happens. We have five or fewer convictions for vote fraud a year in America. We figure that, under the new system, five million voters a year lose their right to vote. You literally have a million voters losing their right to vote to catch one ne’er-do-well. You don’t arrest a million people to catch one murderer.

Chris: Now, regarding these centralized lists, you’ve written about a firm called Accenture that runs computerized voting lists for various state governments. Could you talk about that?

Greg: Accenture used to be Arthur Andersen, but after they got caught cooking the books for Enron, they tend not to use that name. Arthur Andersen was split into two parts: one was liquidated, put into bankruptcy, and one was renamed Accenture. They haven’t changed their ways. There’s Accenture; there’s ES&S (Election Systems & Software). These characters are some of the greasiest operators out there. They combine bias with incompetence and high fees. ES&S has been involved in New Mexico. It’s a firm founded by Republican Senator Chuck Hagel (of Nebraska). Every time ES&S gets involved in purging voter rolls, they turn astonishingly Republican. Everyone knows that if you use certain methods, it knocks out certain types of voters. That’s why I’m doing this investigation with Bobby Kennedy. We are investigating the theft of the 2008 election before it happens. We’re looking at what’s happening in Colorado, New Mexico, Alabama, Florida. We’re going to be putting out a big national magazine article with our findings. We can’t say where.

Chris: When is that going to come out?

Greg: In September. We will then also have a film out starting with a broadcast on BBC Television and a U.S. national network. For the first time, we’re going to break through the electronic blockade in America.

Chris: I read that you’re raising funds for the broadcast. How are you doing on that?

Greg: Well, that’s the thing. (The network) finally opened the door, but they said, “Of course, we’re not paying for this.” Okay, I’ll tell my cameramen to eat dog food. My staff is pretty good at living on very little. They were here last night ’til 2 a.m. (Research associate) Zach Roberts—I want to give him his due—his last day off was about seven weeks ago. This is a nonstop operation, but I have to raise money to provide the bare minimum. We do want to be able to provide outreach and give stuff out to some activist groups. We’re going to have a voter guide, Steal Back Your Vote, which I’m putting together with Kennedy. A lot of this is going to be in comic-book form, designed by Top Shelf. I had a complaint from one of my fundraisers that we give away too much stuff—my books, DVDs. But that’s our game: to get the word out and build a knowledge base. Now, I’ll give a hint of my age. The protests against the war in Vietnam began with massive teach-ins: “Here’s where Vietnam is.” We need to learn the issues. People are unarmed. That is, people know that they’re getting shafted, but they don’t really know exactly how.

[i] U.S. Attorneys are senior prosecutors in the Justice Department. There are 93 U.S. Attorneys, each in charge of his/her own district.

[ii] Nicknamed “Bush’s brain,” Rove served as chief strategist for Bush’s 2000 presidential campaign. From 2001-2007, Rove held various posts in the Bush administration, including senior advisor and deputy chief of staff.

[iii] In 2006, the Justice Department fired nine U.S. Attorneys, nearly all of whom had received high performance ratings from the department. The subject is being investigated by Congress. Alberto Gonzalez, the attorney general at the time, claims to remember very little about the firings.

[iv] The official in charge of a state’s elections.

[v] In 2000, Harris was the secretary of state in Florida and the co-chair of George W. Bush’s presidential campaign in that state. She presided over the various voter purges in 2000 and was the one who officially certified Bush the winner of the election.

Original Copy Link:

If you are interested in helping make sure Ohio’s 2008 election is free and fair…
September 26-28, 2008
for the:
Free Press Election Protection Conference
Co-conveners: Bob Fitrakis and Harvey Wasserman
at the
Center for Workforce Development conference center
315 Cleveland Avenue, 4th floor
Columbus State Community College, Columbus, Ohio

Workshops on:

Board of Election Monitors
Election Day Election Protection
Video the Vote

** Free Registration ** Free Parking **

Please RSVP:
Donation requested for refreshments
Parking in Columbus State lot at Cleveland by 670 or guest parking meters
Keynote speaker: Mark Crispin Miller – Meet Mark on Friday, September 26 for his talk at 9pm
Miller is a professor of media studies at New York University and author of the books: “Loser Take All,” “Fooled Again, How the Right Stole the 2004 Elections” and “The Bush Dyslexicon.” He is known for his writing on American media and for his activism on behalf of democratic media reform.

Featured films:
Free For All
produced by John Ennis
Sept. 26 – 7pm (free)
Columbus State – conference center
John investigates the evidence of the stolen 2004 election with sometimes frustrating and often funny results

Stealing America Vote-by-Vote
produced by Dorothy Fadiman
Sept. 28 – 12:30pm (tentative)
Drexel Gateway Theater, OSU
Experts and witnesses exposing the flaws of electronic voting

by Bob Fitrakis

Columbus Dispatch articles explaining the 2004 election irregularities
all embrace the same formula: ignore the more than 1000 signed
affidavits and sworn testimonies of disenfranchised voters; rely only
on the word of OSU Law Professor Dan Tokaji who has no background in
statistical analysis and who always tells the Dispatch whatever they
want to hear; and then apologize for former Ohio Secretary of State J.
Kenneth Blackwell and fail to mention what is routinely reported in
every other major newspaper in the state of Ohio.

In the Sunday, August 10 Dispatch front page story, the paper
conveniently avoids reporting on Blackwell’s well-documented
activities. There’s no mention of: Blackwell’s directive that returned
voter registration applications that weren’t on “80-bond paper weight”;
Blackwell’s refusal to count the votes for the first time in modern
Ohio history if voters were at the right polling place but the wrong
precinct table; the fact that Blackwell outsourced Ohio’s official vote
count tabulation to Michael Connell, a Bush family partisan who sent
the vote tally to a Republican server site in Chattanooga, Tennessee
tied to the White House; or of his full-court blitz on TV trying to get
Democratic Presidential candidate John Kerry to concede with 250,000
uncounted votes

The Dispatch claims “there’s no direct proof of widespread fraud.” This
may be true. But, in an election where the exit polls showed Kerry
winning by 3 percentage points, all you need is a “little bit of” fraud
to flip the numbers. And that’s exactly what the exit polls showed.
That instead of Kerry winning 52% to 48%, Bush wins 51% to 48.5%.

So biased was the Dispatch reporting that they either engaged in
deliberate propaganda or made errors so simple that they would have
flunked Intro to Politics 101 at any college. Tokaji, who admitted to
having no training in exit polling, told the AP, and hence the world,
that the unexplainable discrepancy between the exit poll numbers and
the actual vote count was not a problem.

For example, they report without embarrassment that the official
response for the highly accurate exit polls being wrong in Ohio – and
so outside the margin of error that it would only happen in one in
959,000 presidential elections – was that “…exit polls are based only
on responses from voters who agree to participate.”

The Dispatch’s own polls, that they brag about as being highly
accurate, are based on only those who agree to participate. Also,
methodology requires only randomization, not that every single voter
exiting the polls agrees to respond. This means that every voter has
equal chance at inclusion. If the pollsters are asking every 10th voter
and one refuses, they go on to the next 10th voter.

In a telephone survey, if a particular person who is randomly called
isn’t home, or refuses to answer the questions, it doesn’t negate the
scientific validity of the survey if it is randomized and
representative. All of this is taken into consideration in the polls’

The Dispatch formula invokes the “c” word – conspiracy – whenever
possible. The paper’s fundamental premise is that the statistically
impossible results of the election and the highly improbably nature of
all the irregularities going in Bush’s favor and against John Kerry are
just a coincidence. The Dispatch’s brand of reporting is a monument to
coincidence theory.

From the paper’s perspective: 308,000 voters purged from voting
registration rolls in the urban centers of Cleveland, Cincinnati, and
Toledo, are not deliberate, even though 80% or so would have likely
voted for Kerry; dozens of sworn statements from voters saying that
they touched the computer screen for Kerry and saw their vote flip to
Bush is only an accident; and that Kerry’s votes ran significantly
behind an underfunded retired African American municipal judge from
Cleveland on the ticket – only in 14 Republican counties – is simply

On Friday, July 25, the Dispatch ran the headline: “’04 Ohio election
was fair, Blackwell says.” In the course of the story, they quote the
ubiquitous Tokaji who states without facts or political science
qualifications that Bush’s margin “was sufficient to overcome any legal
challenge that might have arisen from provisional ballots that were
uncounted ambiguously marked punch-card ballots and long lines that may
have discouraged many citizens from voting.”

Tokaji’s assessment runs contrary to dozens of social and political
science texts on the subject. He has refused to appear on panels with
political scientists who offer different views. Nor has Tokaji
indicated that he’s actually gone into the boards of elections’
warehouses and looked at hundreds of thousands of actual ballots, as
his critics do in preparing their analyses.

In a previous article, the Dispatch officially reported without
blushing that Franklin County Board of Elections Executive Director
Denny L. White retired last month. Members of the Franklin County
Democratic Party Central Committee are openly telling reporters that
White was forced out for echoing the Dispatch line that there were no
significant problems with the 2004 election. White, the former chair of
the Ohio Democratic Party, announces his retirement in July of a
presidential election year and is replaced by the 28-year-old Michael
Stinziano, and the Dispatch reports as fact the fantasy spun by the
Party’s PR people.

To put things in perspective, they quote Tokaji who states the obvious:
“There are lots of land mines out there, and someone who is not
experienced in running local elections must very quickly educate
themselves as to where those land mines are.” The Dispatch might have
asked some Party insiders why the highly experienced Denny White was
retiring just prior to the election. It’s difficult to avoid this
question when the Dispatch headline read: “New director will face first
ballot in 3 months.”

Four days prior to the Dispatch’s August 10 article that smeared the
election integrity movement, they were forced to report that Ohio
Secretary of State Jennifer Brunner had sued the former Diebold
Election Systems, now Premier Election Solutions, for providing the
state “defective” computerized voting machines.

Brunner told the Dispatch that an investigation by her office
documented that the Diebold machines “dropped” votes in “at least 11

Conveniently missing from the Dispatch article is the fact that
Blackwell personally negotiated the unbid contract that brought Diebold
machines into prominence in Ohio. At the same time, Blackwell held
Diebold stock. The article also fails to report that Diebold’s CEO
Walden O’Dell, a major contributor to the Bush-Cheney Re-election
Campaign, sent out a letter pledging to deliver Ohio’s electoral votes
to Bush in 2004.

But the key reason the Dispatch is attacking the election integrity
movement and lead litigator Cliff Arnebeck, of the King Lincoln
Bronzeville case that seeks to protect the civil rights of voters in
the 2008 election, is because of the revelations concerning Bush family
loyalist Michael Connell and the allegations that the vote can easily
be stolen with the flip of a switch in the computerized vote tabulation

The Dispatch avoids dealing with the revelations by highly respected
Republican IT man and McCain supporter Steve Spoonamore at a Columbus
press conference on July 17. With Dispatch reporter Mark Niquette in
attendance, Spoonamore stated in no uncertain terms that he felt the
evidence suggested fraud in the 2004 election. The Dispatch is also not
telling its readers that Spoonamore’s analysis as an expert witness was
offered to the Ohio Attorney General’s office.

Spoonamore, who has worked for the Secret Service and major
corporations on credit card fraud, stated that the IT system designed
by Mike Connell for Blackwell is vulnerable to election rigging. In the
Dispatch version of reality, little-qualified Party appointees and
untrained volunteer election workers stand as a bipartisan impenetrable
fortress against election tampering. The ultimate thesis is always
based on the tenuous fact that there’s a bipartisan system of Democrats
and Republicans at county boards of elections, therefore election
rigging is “impossible.”

Spoonamore’s point is the exact opposite of the Dispatch’s. As long as
all the Ohio election results are compiled at county central tabulators
and fed officially to sites in Ohio and Tennessee, overseen partisan IT
companies using proprietary secret software, then our elections are
vulnerable to manipulation. All the well-intentioned “bipartisan”
grandmothers, grandfathers and political operatives working the polling
places and boards of elections watching the flashy touchscreens and
shiny county central tabulators have no idea what’s really going on
inside the black box and what happens when the
digital vote count heads off into cyberspace.

Bob Fitrakis holds a Ph.D. in Political Science and a J.D. from the OSU
Moritz College of Law, is a Political Science Professor at Columbus
State Community College, and is an award-winning investigative

Two opportunities to meet Cynthia McKinney in Columbus! Free!

Saturday, August 9, 2008 – 4-6pm
At Victorian’s Midnight Cafe, 251 W. Fifth Avenue, Columbus, Ohio

The Ohio Green Party 2008 Presidential Campaign Organizing Event with
Cynthia McKinney will discuss her campaign and statewide organizers will be on hand with petitions.
Sponsored by the Ohio Green Party.
Please RSVP Anita Rios, 419-243-8772


The Second Saturday Salon – Aug. 9, 6:30pm to 8:30 pm
1000 E. Main St. Columbus Ohio
parking in rear or next door at the Salvation Army
Discussion of grassroots activism and election protection.

Sponsored by Green Pro, the Green Institute, The Free Press, The Columbus Institute for Contemporary Journalism,
the Central Ohio Green Education Fund
Robert Fitrakis 614-253-2571,

August 4, 2008
By Bob Fitrakis

When he died, Entertainment Weekly called him the Berry Gordy of Columbus. It was August 2, 2005 when Columbus lost a hero. Bill Moss made his reputation in radio as the “Boss with the Red Hot Sauce.” But he was much more than that: a loving husband and father, good friend, public servant, and Soldier of the Year. He was a man of the highest integrity whose principles couldn’t be bought for thirty pieces of silver, who heard the voice of the Lord say unto him “Whom shall I send? Who will go for us?” and Bill answered, “Here am I, send me.”

Moss, the Chief Plaintiff in the Moss v. Bush lawsuit that challenged the results of the 2004 election, spoke these words before agreeing to sue the President of the United States: “The only way an investigation is going to happen is if we the people take the responsibility.” He felt the theft of the 2004 Ohio presidential election was deliberate. He believed that the American people had “rolled over” too easy after 2000 Florida debacle. After Bill and his wife Ruth witnessed the hours-long lines at the Franklin Middle School polling site, and noting that it had never taken them over 20 to minutes in the past, they decided that they would lead the charge to expose the corruption and reveal the crimes behind it.

It’s hard to forget how deeply he cared and how hard he fought, and how lucky we were to have worked by his side. He kept the faith and so shall we. We vow to protect the 2008 election in his name.

Green Pro, a tool for green activists created
and managed by the Green Institute
is proud to sponsor

Former Congresswoman
Cynthia McKinney
Hip-Hop activist
Rosa Clemente

for a discussion of grass roots activism
and election protection.

At: The Second Saturday Salon

1000 E. Main St. Columbus Ohio
On: Saturday Aug. 9
From: 6:30pm to 8:30 pm
Parking in rear or next door at the Salvation Army

This event is cosponsored by:
The Free Press, The Columbus Institute for Contemporary Journalism, the Central Ohio Green Education Fund and The Neighborhood Network

for more information contact:
Anita Rios 419-243-8772

Robert Fitrakis 614-253-2571,