2011 Free Press/DSCO Annual Awards Dinner, April 30
2011 Free Press/DSCO Annual Awards Dinner
Saturday, April 30, 2011
Native American Indian Center of Central Ohio, 67 Innis Ave., Columbus (south of German Village, east off of High Street)
$15 individual
$25 couple
$10 low income
(Pay at the door only)
2011 Free Press “Libby” Award for Community Activism: Robb Ebright, WCRS Community Radio
2011 Free Press Award for Arts Activism: Tom Harker, Ukulele Man
2011 Bill Moss Award for an Outstanding Achievement by an African American Activist: James Whitaker and Kennedy Kent, Justice for Kids
2011 Native American Indian Center Selma Walker Award for Lifetime Achievement in Human Rights Activism: Holly Herschede
2011 Democratic Socialists of Central Ohio Eugene V. Debs Award for Labor Activism: Samantha Trublood
2011 Democratic Socialists of Central Ohio Norman Thomas/Michael Harrington Award
for Peace and Social Justice Activism: Reverend Joel L. King, Jr.