Bob Fitrakis and Connie Gadell Newton interview Zack Baird comedian and purveyor of the anti-Kasich site “”

Listen live and call-in to “Fight Back with Dr. Bob Fitrakis”
Wednesday night
May 25, 7-8:00PM EDT

Bob’s guest is investigative reporter Greg Palast
Greg Palast is a best-sellling author, BBC reporter, filmmaker and his reports on the theft of election 2004, the spike of the FBI investigations of the bin Ladens before September 11, the secret State Department documents planning the seizure of Iraq’s oil fields have won him a record six “Project Censored” for reporting the news American media doesn’t want you to hear.

Here’s how to call in to Bob Fitrakis’ new talk radio show:
Go to:
Click on “Listen Live”
Bob’s program “Fight Back!” will be on
Call 877-932-9766

Bob Fitrakis

NATO: The New Barbary Pirates
May 23, 2011

How did the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) go from a collective defense organization to the new Barbary Pirates of imperialism?

During the 2011 Libyan uprising, the United Nations Security Council passed Resolution 1973 which called for a ceasefire and authorized military action to protect civilian lives. A coalition formed, centered around NATO with the March 17, 2011 passing of the Resolution. Its purpose – a so-called “no-fly zone” over Libya.

The irony that the U.S.-dominated NATO military organization would be concerned with “protecting” Arab civilians is all too obvious since the United States is the nation most responsible for killing Arab civilians. The U.S. is the home of the mass-murdering Bush clan whose policies are usually continued by their junior partners in the Democratic Party, Bill Clinton and Barack Obama.

Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting (FAIR) in its January-February 2008 issue pointed out that 1 million people had died in Iraq as a result of the U.S. invasion. The for-profit corporate media likes to focus on just the casualties that result from U.S. military forces. If we take a far more moral and logical approach, asking the question — Had we not invaded the country and dismantled the government, police and military, how many more Iraqi civilians would be alive today?

Lancet, the highly regarded British medical journal, estimated that 100,000 Iraqis were killed during the first year of the war. In July 2006, Johns Hopkins Medical School estimated that 650,000 Iraqi civilians had been killed. President George W. Bush went so far as to accuse Johns Hopkins of having a “political agenda.”

But George W. Bush is not the first mass murderer of Arab civilians. His father George Herbert Walker Bush, with the aid of the Clinton administration, were responsible for the deaths of more than a million Iraqis. Roughly half a million of these were children. The deliberate bombing of Iraqi water and sewage facilities, hospitals and other key infrastructure during the first Gulf War caused most of these death.

Back in 1996, Clinton’s Secretary of State Madeliene Albright made her notorious comments to CBS’ Lesley Stahl that “We think the price is worth it” in reference to the killing of 500,000 Iraqi children. Many of these children died as a direct result of the U.S. embargo of medical and other essential supplies.

The most interesting question that arose when the world’s foremost war criminal, George W. Bush, the mass murderer of Arabs, walks free in the United States is – How can the U.S. public be sold such an obvious lie about NATO’s concern for Iraqi civilians?

The real reasons for the attack have been dealt with most directly by America’s famous reformed “economic hitman,” John Perkins.

Perkins points out the that attack on Libya, like the attack on Iraq, has to do with power and control of resources, not only oil, but gold. Libya has the highest standard of living in Africa. “According to the IMF, Libya’s Central Bank is 100% state owned. The IMF estimates that the bank has nearly 144 tons of gold in its vaults,” Perkins wrote.

NATO is there like modern Barbary Pirates – to loot Libya’s gold. The Russian media, in addition to Perkins, reported that the Pan-Africanist Qaddafi, the former President of the African Union, had been advocating that Africa use the gold so plentiful in Libya and South Africa to create an African currency based on a gold dinar.

“It is significant that in the months running up to the UN resolution that allowed the U.S. and its allies to send troops into Libya, Muammar al-Qaddafi was openly advocating the creation of a new currency that would rival the dollar and the euro. In fact, he called upon African and Muslim nations to join an alliance that would make this new currency, the gold dinar, their primary form of money and foreign exchange. They would sell oil and other resources to the US and the rest of the world only for gold dinars,” Perkins explained.

What we are witnessing in Libya is old-fashioned 19th century imperialism – the deliberate plundering of a sovereign nation-state’s resources by more powerful Western conquistadors.

Under the neo-colonialism favored after World War II during the period of the Cold War, we preferred to bribe various African leaders to help us loot their nation’s resources. The U.S., of course, killed any Pan-African aspirations as well as potential leaders like Patrice Lumumba.

This highjacking of Arab and African resources and slaughtering of Arab civilians is a long-standing plan put forth by neo-conservatives in the United States. The Project for a New American Century (PNAC) has had a “hit list” of Arab nations and little regard for Arab casualties.

General Wesley Clark wrote in “Winning Modern Wars” that “As I went back through the Pentagon in November 2001, one of the senior military staff officers had time for a chat. Yes, we are still on track for going against Iraq, he said. But there was more. This was being discussed as part of a five-year campaign plan, he said, and there was a total of seven countries beginning with Iraq, then Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Iran, Somalia, and Sudan.

The presence of the 2008 Green Party presidential candidate and former U.S. Representative Cynthia McKinney in Libya underscores the bipartisan nature of the brutal new imperialism embraced at the highest level by the Democratic and Republican Parties.

As NATO war planes attempt to assassinate the leader of a sovereign nation to steal its gold and plunder the oil, McKinney has had the courage to speak out: “I think that it’s very important that people understand what is happening here. And it’s important that people all over the world see the truth. And that is why I am here … to understand the truth,” she told CNN.

McKinney’s trip to Libya is courageous and we should applaud her willingness to say what is backed by the facts. She stated, “I want to say categorically and very clearly that these policies of war … are not what the people of the United States stand for, and it’s not what African-Americans stand for.”

Perkins also wrote: “Understanding the war against Quaddafi as a war in defense of empire is another step in the direction of helping us ask ourselves whether we want to continue along this path of empire-building.”

History has relegated a slew of over-extended militaristic empires to its dustbins – from ancient Egypt and classical Greece to the Romans, Mongols, Ottomans, Spanish conquistadors, and Brits. The current American imperialism and plunder will end the same way. American patriots should do everything we can to dismantle our empire and return the republic to the people.


Bob Fitrakis accompanied Cynthia McKinney on a delegation to Libya in 2009 for the First International Conference on the World Green Book Supporters Society.

Free Press 4th Tuesday Free Film Night


followed by discussion

The largest domestic natural gas drilling boom in history has swept across the United States. The Halliburton-developed drilling technology of “fracking” or hydraulic fracturing has unlocked a “Saudia Arabia of natural gas” just beneath us. But is fracking safe? When filmmaker Josh Fox is asked to lease his land for drilling, he embarks on a cross-country odyssey uncovering a trail of secrets, lies and contamination. A recently drilled nearby Pennsylvania town reports that residents are able to light their drinking water on fire. This is just one of the many absurd and astonishing revelations of a new country called GASLAND. Part verite travelogue, part expose, part mystery, part bluegrass banjo meltdown, part showdown. Co-sponsored by the Central Ohio Sierra Club, the Drexel Theater, Central Ohio Green Education Fund, and the Film Council of Columbus
Drexel Theater 2254 E. Main Street, Bexley

Listen Live and Call-in recorded, FIGHT BACK with Bob Fitrakis on Medical Marijuana Policy
Wednesday night
May 18, 7-8:00PM EDT
877-932-9766 (call-in number)

Cannabinomics Cover

Clearing the Air: Christopher Glenn Fichtner, M.D. writes wrongs with
“Cannabinomics” – The Marijuana Policy Tipping Point

Cannabinomics is not a medical handbook, a drug war treatise, or an economic model, so much as a work of patient and public policy advocacy. It looks at real-world medical cases, recent trends in successful policy reform, drug war costs, and the potential economic benefits of cannabis change. Brilliantly, Dr. Fichtner examines—then debunks—many of the common misconceptions about marijuana. The gutting of our economic democracy has been occurring for years and can be found in reams of books and volumes of eyewitness testimony, but nowhere has the case for the theft of American health by their supposed corporate protectors been laid out as brilliantly as when Dr. Christopher Glenn Fichtner clears all the smoke and mirrors with his new book, Cannabinomics: The Marijuana Policy Tipping Point (Well Mind Books, 2010).
A firestorm of controversy has erupted over Dr. Fichtner’s new book Cannabinomics that proves, beyond a shadow of a doubt, what happens behind the iron medical curtain when Americans are shown how to take ownership of this homegrown commodity and facilitate system-learning that could help solve larger global drug war problems.

Here’s how to call in to Bob Fitrakis’ new radio show:
Go to:
Click on “Listen Live”
Bob’s program “Fight Back!” will be on
Call 877-932-9766

A talk on the current Ohio legislation to suppress the Vote in Ohio.
Recorded May 13, 2011
ACLU Forum May 24, Tuesday at Delaware County Library
7:00 PM

Mom with cancer loses kids in North Carolina.

Sign Repealing SB5 Saturday
Ohio Student Organization Network
Batavia 10am-12 pm, at the Court House Saturday.
Eaton, Ohio Saturday 12-2pm @ Taffeys
Whetstone Library Columbus 11-2pm
MLK Library 11 am 2 pm 1600 E. Long St.

Clintonville Farmers Market 9am till noon N. High between Orchard Ln. and W. Dunedan
Hilliard Branch Library 11am-2pm 4772 Cemetary Rd. Hilliard, Ohio
South High Branch Library, 3540 S. High 11am-2pm
Southeast Branch Library 3980 S. Hamilton Rd 11am-2 pm
Gahanna Branch Library
Karl Road Library 5590 Karl Rd 11am-2pm
Pomeroy, Ohio Gazeebo River Parking Lot on Main St.9am-4pm
Akron at the Cuyahoga Falls FOP Lodge 9am-1pm

WORLD Naked Bike Ride June 11, 11:59 PM
Starts 174 E. 5th ave.
Safe Space

Fracking: Ohio Sierra Club, Tuesday May 17, 10am-4pm Declaring Ohio a Frack Free Zone

Dennis Kucinich targeted by redistricting.

Listen Live this Wednesday night – May 11, 7:00PM-8:00PM EDT

Vincent Bugliosi biography

Vincent Bugliosi will be discussing his new book: Divinity of Doubt: The God Question. He is also the author of: The Prosecution of George W. Bush for Murder. Bugliosi received his law degree in 1964. In his career at the L.A. County District Attorney’s office, he successfully prosecuted 105 out of 106 felony jury trials, including 21 murder convictions without a single loss. His most famous trial, the Charles Manson case, became the basis of his classic, Helter Skelter, the biggest selling true-crime book in publishing history.

Two of Bugliosi’s other books — And the Sea Will Tell and Outrage — also reached #1 on the New York Times hardcover bestseller list. No other American true-crime writer has ever had more than one book that achieved this ranking. Reclaiming History: The Assassination of President John F. Kennedy was a New York Times bestseller and has been heralded as “epic” and “a book for the ages.” HBO, in association with Tom Hanks’ PlayTone Productions, will be producing this as an eight-hour miniseries in 2013, the 50th anniversary of the Kennedy assassination.

How do I listen and call in to Bob’s show?

The show is on from 7:00PM to 8:00PM this Wednesday, May 11th.
The radio show can be found at this website:
Once on the website, go to “Click Here to Listen Live”
You should see “Fight Back” — this is Bob Fitrakis’ show
You can listen live on the internet.

Call the toll-free phone number 1-877-932-9766 at 7pm EDT Wednesday night.

Webmaster’s tip,
If you have a Gmail account you can call from your computer for free (best from Google Chrome), on the left side of page, click “call phone”, a dial pad should show up, enter number (copy and paste works) and hit call button at bottom.

Free Press Second Saturday Salon
Saturday, May 14

Join with other progressives to network, socialize, eat, drink and have fun. Music by Steve Dodge, presentation by Marley Greiner, the Executive Chair and co-founder of Bastard Nation the Adoptee Rights Organizations, the largest adoptee rights organization in North America.

Free Press
1021 East Broad St., side door, parking in rear.


Bob discusses the “War on Drugs” with former Border Patrol Guard Terry Nelson

This week’s show – Wednesday, May 4

Terry Nelson ,former US Border Patrol and Homeland Security Officer says“Al Capone brought appalling violence to American streets during our first prohibition. But, it was nothing in comparison to what the Mexican drug cartels have in store for us if we do not stop this senseless war on drugs.”

Join the Green Party!
Anyone fed up with the other parties should give the Greens a try
Come meet the NEW Franklin County Green Party
Monday, May 9, 2011
7:00 P.M.
Hear Harvey Wasserman – speaking on the Japanese nuclear disaster
Northwood and High Street building
Suite 100
(one block north of Lane Ave, off of High Street)