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Bob Fitrakis and Charleta Tavares Cover 2012 Third Congressional District Democratic Candidates Political Debate

2012 Third Congressional District Democratic Candidates Political Debate
February 22, 2012
7:00pm to 9:00pm

Come to hear what the four Democratic candidates have to say – Joyce Beatty, Ted Celeste, Priscilla Tyson and Mary Jo Kilroy. All are running in Ohio’s 3rd district, which covers most of Franklin County.

Prior to the candidate debate, Bob Fitrakis and Charleta Tavares, Talktainment radio show hosts will do a pre-show from 6-7pm.

Sponsored by Bounce 23 TV, simulcast live on Talktainmentradio.com and rebroadcast on WCRS community FM radio, 98.3 and 102.1.

King Arts Complex’s Pythian Theater
867 Mt. Vernon Ave.
Columbus, Ohio 43203