Fight Back Podcast, October 06, 2012
Special Guest Ass’t Professor Of Economics, Dr. Fadel Kaboub from Denison University

Bob and members of the Franklin County Green Party protest that Green Party presidential candidate Jill Stein was left out of the National Disabilities Forum in Columbus. The Green Party position on disabilities is:
Rights of the Disabled
We support the full enforcement of the Americans with Disabilities Act to enable all people with disabilities to achieve independence and function at the highest possible level. Government should work to ensure that children with disabilities are provided with the same educational opportunities as those without disabilities.
The physically and mentally challenged are people who are differently abled from the majority, but who are nevertheless able to live independently. The mentally ill are people with serious mental problems who often need social support networks. Physically and mentally challenged people have the right to live independently in their communities. The mentally ill also have the right to live independently, circumscribed only by the limitations of their illness. These people are their own best advocates in securing their rights and for living in the social and economic mainstream.
Current Medicaid policy forces many challenged people to live in costly state-funded institutions. Excluding these people from society alienates them; excluding them from the work force denies them the chance to use their potentials.
The diminishing funds available to provide care for the growing number of the mentally ill often result in their homelessness, vagrancy and dependence on short-term crisis facilities. Lack of funding also increases the necessity of placing them in long-term, locked facilities.
The Green Party urges the government to:
a. Increase rehabilitation funding so that persons with disabilities can pursue education and training to reach their highest potential. The differently abled should participate fully in the allocation decisions of state rehabilitation departments’ funds.
b. Aggressively implement the Americans with Disabilities Act.
c. Fund in-home support services to allow the differently abled to hire personal care attendants while remaining at home.
d. Allocate adequate funding to support community-based programs that provide out-patient medical services, case management services and counseling programs. We should provide a residential setting within the community for those who do not need institutional care but who are unable to live independently.
e. Make it easier for the chronically mentally ill to apply for and receive Supplemental Security Income.
f. Mainstream the differently abled. Increase the training of teachers in regards to the needs of differently abled students.
g. Discourage stereotyping of the mentally and physically challenged by the entertainment industry and the media.
h. Fund programs to increase public sensitivity to the needs of the mentally ill and differently abled.

My WVKO 1580AM radio show today Sat. July 28 – Fight Back!–
Del Perry from Six One Fo records about his hip hop show today at Skullys and
” author R.P. Ericksen.
Tune in, turn on, and call – 1-614-821-1580

You’re invited to join us for the:

Free Press Second Saturday Salon
May 12, 2012 – 6:30pm-midnight

Join progressive friends for food, drink, music, art, and a presentation on ecosocialism with Steve Bloom.

Watch the live national broadcast of the Green Party debate between presidential candidates Roseanne Barr and Jill Stein – 10:30pm!

1021 E. Broad St., east side door, parking on street or in rear.

Sunday, May 6, 2012
4:30pm until 7:30pm

1021 E. Broad St., Columbus Ohio 43205 (east side door)

Join the Ohio Green Party to KICK-OFF the Bob Fitrakis for Congress campaign, third district. There will be food, drink, music, and political campaign gifts. Meet Greens from all over Ohio. Tell Bob what you want him to accomplish in Congress!

Paid for by the Fitrakis for Congress campaign, Suzanne Patzer, Treasurer, 1021 E. Broad St., Columbus Ohio 43205.

Bob Fitrakis on “Fight Back”: Michael Parenti
Bob interviews Michael Parenti, author, scholar, activist, currently on the advisory boards of Independent Progressive Politics Network, Education Without Borders, and the Jasenovic Foundation; as well as the advisory editorial boards of New Political Science and Nature, Society and Thought. He is the author of twenty-three books
Listen and call in this Wednesday, April 11
7 – 8 PM
Call 877-932-9766

Here’s how to call in to the LIVE INTERNET radio show:
(on your computer – not on your broadcast radio dial)
On Wednesday nights at 7:00 pm
Go to:
Click on “Listen Live”
Call 877-932-9766
All shows rebroadcast on WCRSFM community radio 98.3/102.1 Wednesdays at 8pm

Bob’s WVKO 1580AM radio show Saturday, April 14 – 11am-12noon
Call in @ 1-614-821-1580
Talking about the OSU project on the near east side including Poindexter Village with Deborah Steele of Jobs with Justice and others.


Bob believes in:

• The right to unionize and collectively bargain
• Full employment with fair wages and benefits
• A Green New Deal And Green Job Creation
• Worker representation on corporate boards
• Infrastructure Repair Public Works Program
• A fair tax code where corporations pay their fair share

• Creating & funding an independent prosecution team
• Fully funding the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau
• Instituting a nationwide foreclosure moratorium
• Requiring payback of all illegally gained profits

• Banning corporate PACs
• Limiting corporate lobbying expenses
• Politician disclosure of all lobbying contacts & income
• Repealing all voter suppression laws
• Repealing all laws limiting third party access to elections
• Instituting ranked voting for instant runoff elections

• Ending the Oil Wars Now—No war against Iran
• Reducing military spending
• No foreign aid to countries oppressing their citizens
• Ratifying the Kyoto Protocol on climate change
• Signing the International Criminal Court Treaty

• Universal health care–Medicare for all
• Stopping the war on women’s rights
• A fair and just immigration policy
• A free college education
• Supporting GLBT rights including gay marriage


Bob Fitrakis on “Fight Back”: The Davis Besse Nuclear Plant and Ohio Green Party Senate candidate Joe DeMare Bob interviews Michael Keegan of Beyond Nuclear and Joe DeMare, the Green Party’s candidate for Ohio Senate.

Listen and call in this Wednesday, February 29 – 7-8 PM EST Call 877-932-9766

Here’s how to call in to the LIVE INTERNET radio show: (on your computer – not on your broadcast radio dial) On Wednesday nights at 7:00 pm Go to: Click on “Listen Live” Call 877-932-9766 All shows rebroadcast on WCRSFM community radio 98.3/102.1 Wednesdays at 8pm

for further information on Beyond Nuclear:

or read here:

For Immediate Release, Tuesday, January 10, 2012
Kevin Kamps, Beyond Nuclear, (240) 462-3216
Michael Keegan, Don’t Waste Michigan, (734) 770-1441
Joseph DeMare, Green Party of Ohio, (419) 973-5841
Terry Lodge, attorney, (419) 205-7084 Read more