Dr. Fitrakis VBlog Nov. 12, 2007, Vote Switching, “Shadow Of Afghanistan”(showing), “The War Tapes”(cancelled)
Dr. Robert Fitrakis finally gets the confirmation from the Columbus Dispatch about what he has been saying all along. Vote switching has its day.
Below is the link to the Vblog:
November 14, 2007 Community Leaders Forum
Discussion of “Shadow of Afghanistan”
Bob Fitrakis will discuss the situation in Afghanistan and the currently running Drexel Gateway movie “Shadow of Afghanistan.” Free. 7pm.
Location: First Unitarian Universalist Church, 93 W. Weisheimer Rd., Columbus 43214
Phone: 296-6304
Email: earlword@yahoo.com
Website: http://www.shadowofafghanistan.com/
The November 15 Third Thursday Theater night film has changed:
Instead of “The War Tapes” (which we could not get permission to show)
we will play: “Shadow of Afghanistan”