The rise of fascism always begins with the corruption of the police. The recent conviction of Carol Fisher on two counts of felonious assault on two 200+ pound Cleveland Heights policemen must concern all Americans who believe in the Bill of Rights.

Carol’s real crime was posting the World Can’t Wait posters that demanded that Bush “step down.”  The cops, as foot soldiers of the Constitution, should have been defending Carol’s First Amendment right to post fliers. Instead, as thugs of the Repugnican Party, they assaulted Carol.

This is an old game, and I’ve seen more than more cop laugh about testi-lying. In this case, the lie was obvious. They were the victims. They were assaulted. Again, just another pair of lying jackbooted thugs who do the bidding of the Bush junta.

As an independent gubernatorial candidate, I support the immediate investigation of the Cleveland Height police department and believe the evidence indicates that the officers in question are abusing the rights of citizens under the color of law. My thoughts and prayers are with those demonstrators in Cleveland who are going out on April 29 at 3pm at the Cleveland Heights Coventry Yard (Coventry & Euclid Heights). The miscarriage of justice against Carol and the assault on her by brutal police cannot stand. An injury to one is an injury to all.

4 replies
  1. 48thRonin
    48thRonin says:

    Bush made a “joke” today when NBC’s David Gregory asked his usual hard-hitting questions at a White House press conference. Bush said something like, “Don’t worry, you are not getting the job as press secretary. You wouldn’t pass the background investigation.”

    To me, this reinforced how Bush sees the world as for-me and against-me, with his willingness to use the power of the state to support his corrupt regime.

    If we let these thugs get away with a little, they will take a lot.

  2. kickass_in_columbus
    kickass_in_columbus says:

    For the cops in this case to say they were victims is ridiculous. We do indeed live in strange times.

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