
Lieutenant Governor candidate Bob Fitrakis today urged all Ohioans who despise authoritarianism and who support democracy to vote in the primary election May 6, request a Green Party ballot — and write in Anita Rios for Governor and Bob Fitrakis for Lt. Governor.

“The Republican Party showed its utter contempt for the democratic process by outlawing all four minor parties in Ohio. The Republicans disrupted our signature gathering process with the Senate Bill 193. This law banned all minor parties in Ohio but has since been overturned by a federal court,” Fitrakis said. “We are asking all voters, regardless of political party, to stand up for democracy and take the pledge to write in Rios and Fitrakis in the primary.”

Take the pledge:

Journey to Planet Earth Plan B: Mobilizing to Save Civilization
See also:
Thursday, August 15 – 7pm
Northwood-High building, 2231 N. High Street, Room 100, parking in rear.
This film provides audiences with hopeful solutions — a road map that will help eradicate poverty, stabilize population, stabilize climate, and protect and restore the earth’s forests, soils and fisheries. It includes ways of protecting and restoring soils, forests, rangelands, and oceanic fisheries, plus conserving the earth’s biological diversity. It also features case studies that clearly show signs of a new energy economy emerging.

Hosted by Matt Damon, which features Lester Brown, environmental visionary and author of “Plan B” this documentary delivers a clear and unflinching message – either confront the realities of climate change or suffer the consequences of lost civilizations and failed political states.
Brown, together with other notable scholars and scientists, including Nobel Laureate Paul Krugman, Pulitzer Prize winner and New York Times columnist Thomas Friedman, former Governor and Secretary of the Interior Bruce Babbitt, provides a glimpse into a new and emerging economy based upon renewable resources as well as strategies to avoid the growing threat of global warming.
This is the third in a 3-part movie series by the Franklin County Green Party and Environment Ohio.

Journey to Planet Earth Plan B: Mobilizing to Save Civilization
Thursday, August 15 – 7pm
Northwood-High building, 2231 N. High Street, Room 100, parking in rear.
This film provides audiences with hopeful solutions — a road map that will help eradicate poverty, stabilize population, stabilize climate, and protect and restore the earth’s forests, soils and fisheries. It includes ways of protecting and restoring soils, forests, rangelands, and oceanic fisheries, plus conserving the earth’s biological diversity. It also features case studies that clearly show signs of a new energy economy emerging.

Hosted by Matt Damon, which features Lester Brown, environmental visionary and author of “Plan B” this documentary delivers a clear and unflinching message – either confront the realities of climate change or suffer the consequences of lost civilizations and failed political states.
Brown, together with other notable scholars and scientists, including Nobel Laureate Paul Krugman, Pulitzer Prize winner and New York Times columnist Thomas Friedman, former Governor and Secretary of the Interior Bruce Babbitt, provides a glimpse into a new and emerging economy based upon renewable resources as well as strategies to avoid the growing threat of global warming.
This is the third in a 3-part movie series by the Franklin County Green Party and Environment Ohio.

Due to the fact the Arena Grand is closed, there will be no Free Press free movie this month, however — the Franklin County Greens are sponsoring three free movies this summer!
Free Movie screening: “Kilowatt Ours” at the Franklin County Green Party Meeting
Thursday, June 20, 2013
Screening of Kilowatt Ours – 7:00 PM
Green Party Central Committee meeting 6:00 – 7:00 PM (Open business meeting)
Sierra Club and Environment Ohio are partnering to make three movies available to be shown by organizations this summer to draw attention to the problems and solutions of global warming. Franklin County Greens will be viewing the first of series, “Kilowatt Ours,” at the June meeting. We will screen “Carbon Nation” in July and “Journey to Planet Earth/Plan B – Mobilizing to Save Civilization” in August. These screenings are free and open to the public. Location: FCGP meets every third Thursday at the Northwood Building, 2231 N. High St., room 100 (parking available behind the building).
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Join Franklin County Greens in the Pride Parade!
Saturday, June 22, 2013
We will line-up on Front St. between Broad and Main Street between 10:00 AM and Noon. Watch for our banners and Green Party Volunteer t-shirts. We’ll send out the exact location of our position in the parade later this week. Please let us know if you plan to walk with us and contact if you need more information.

Franklin County Green Party October 31, 2012 MEDIA ADVISORY Green Party Presidential Candidate Jill Stein Vows to Recount Ohio if there are any signs of election tampering — POLITICS OF COURAGE TOUR VISITS COLUMBUS NOV. 2 — Event/FMI Contact: Bob Fitrakis [614] 374-2380 or [614] 253-2571 or (Columbus Ohio) The Green Party’s Politics of Courage Tour comes to Columbus this Friday, November 2, 2012 with Green Party Presidential Candidate Jill Stein holding a 1:00 pm press conference in front of the Ohio Statehouse McKinley statute on North High Street. Stein is coming to Columbus to address recently discovered evidence regarding the Romney family ties the Hart InterCivic voting machine company. Stein is concerned with the ownership and programming control of Hart InterCivic voting machines being used in Hamilton and Williams counties in Ohio. Stein believes that the Romney connection is a critical conflict of interest and raises the question of whether partisan private for-profit corporations should be secretly counting the votes of U.S. citizens. Hart InterCivic voting machines failed on all 12 key areas of security during Ohio’s Everest study by former Secretary of State Jennifer Brunner. Stein vows to recount Ohio if there are any signs of election tampering on Election Day. She further calls for Hamilton and Williams counties to use hand-counted paper ballots. Stein will be available for interviews at her press conference between 1-2:00 pm on Friday at the Statehouse. She will be in town until 3pm Saturday for additional interviews to discuss the voting machine issues, the Stein/Honkala Campaign, the Green Party position on issues addressed in the Presidential debates, her arrest outside the Hofstra Debate, and The New Green Deal, the economic centerpiece of the Green Party’s platform for building a sustainable job-creating economic future for America. Jill Stein biography Jill Stein was born in Chicago and raised in suburban Highland Park, Illinois. She graduated magna cum laude from Harvard College in 1973 and from Harvard Medical School in 1979. Dr. Stein is a mother, physician, longtime teacher of internal medicine, and pioneering environmental-health advocate. Stein enjoys writing, performing music, and walks with her Great Dane, Bandita. She lives in Lexington, Massachusetts with her husband, Richard Rohrer, also a physician. She has two sons, Ben and Noah, both college graduates. In 2002 ADD activists in the Massachusetts Green-Rainbow Party approached Dr. Stein and asked her to run for Governor of Massachusetts. Dr. Stein accepted, and began her first foray into electoral politics. She was widely credited with being the best informed and most credible candidate in the race. She has twice been elected to town meeting in Lexington, Massachusetts. In 2003, Jill co-founded the Massachusetts Coalition for Healthy Communities, a non-profit organization that addresses a variety of issues that are important to the health and well-being of Massachusetts communities, including health care, local green economies, and grassroots democracy. In 2008, Stein helped formulate a “Secure Green Future” ballot initiative that called upon legislators to accelerate efforts to move the Massachusetts economy to renewable energy and make development of green jobs a priority. The measure won over 81 per cent of the vote in the 11 districts in which it was on the ballot. Stein’s Vice-President Candidate, Cheri Honkala, is a nationally recognized anti-poverty activist. She is the co-founder of the Kensington Welfare Rights Union as well as a co-founder and current National Coordinator for the Poor People’s Economic Human Rights Campaign, one of our nation’s largest multi-racial, intergenerational movements led by the poor and homeless. Voter support for the Green Party’s Stein/Honkala ticket is at 2% in Ohio and nationally, with the Green Party appearing on enough state election ballots to win the election and garnering sufficient financial support from individual citizens [the GP prohibits PAC contributions] to qualify for federal matching funds for the first time. [CNN Poll] For more information on the GP Presidential Candidate Jill Stein and VP Candidate Cheri Honkala visit



Come see us at the Hamilton County Board of Elections tomorrow – Friday, Nov. 2 from 4:30-6pm. We’re having a press conference about the voting machine problem. Also, we’re having dinner at Venice on Vine 1301 Vine afterwards from 6-8pm. Jill Stein, Green Party presidential candidate will be there.

Bag-It — Drexel movie showing — with special discount for Free Press readers

SPECIAL DEEP DISCOUNT for FREE PRESS members and anyone on your list-serve. Just mention FREE PRESS at the Drexel Box-Office when coming to see BAG-IT, and be admitted for only $6 … that’s $3.00 off general admission (reg. $9) and $1.50 off Matinee Admission (reg. $7.50) to see the film.
Showing Wednesday, October 3, Sunday, October 7, and Tuesday, October 9.
An Award-winning and extremely funny environmental film about the effects of the millions of plastic bags we use in America and how it effects our waterways, oceans, landscape and even our own bodies. Presented by the Drexel Theatre and the Franklin Park Conservatory.
Drexel Theater, 2254 E. Main St., Bexley

Oct. 6 – Pride of the Southside Festival – Green Party voter registration, 10am-4pm, Lincoln Park, Barack Recreation Center, behind it, in Lincoln Park, 580 Woodrow Avenue, 43207
Get involved in Election Protection this year!
We need volunteers for a number of different duties between now and Election Day. Work from home, or observe at the polls, or work from central headquarters on Election Day. Everyone’s skills are needed from computer work, video, legal services, to just answering the phone.
Ohio Election Protection meeting: Tuesday, Sept. 11, 6:30pm, Bob Fitrakis’ home, 1021 E. Broad St., Columbus. 253-2571,

Events for Saturday October 13 with Green Party Vice Presidential candidate Cheri Honkala
Green Party Vice Presidential candidate Cheri Honkala will visit Columbus on Saturday October 13, 2012. Honkala is running with the Green’s presidential candidate, Jill Stein.
11am-12noon – Bob Fitrakis will interview Cheri on WVKO1580AM radio show “Fight Back!”, call-in 614-821-1580
4-6pm – Meet and speak to Cheri Honkala at a fundraiser reception for the Jill Stein/Cheri Honkala Green Party presidential campaign, at 1021 E. Broad Street. Suggested donation: $25.00
6:30pm-midnight – Cheri will be joining Dream Act activists at the Second Saturday Salon 6:30pm-midnight, also at 1021 E. Broad Street. There will also be a presentation by Anti-Racist Action and a celebration of the first anniversary of the Occupy movement in Columbus.
For more info: 614-374-2380

Jill Stein, Green Party Presidential Candidates statement on matching fund Goal reached

From the same venue that brought you the Occupy Movement,
Tonight Saturday, May 12, The American Green Party Presents:
The historical debate between Roseanne Barr and Jill Stein
Live from 7:30 P.M. PDT (Pacific Daylight Time) 10:30 Eastern (EDT)

Watch live streaming video from greenpartyus at

Eugene Victor Debs

Bob’s role model is Eugene Victor Debs, the man responsible for leading one of America’s first industrial unions: the American Railway Union in the 1890s; an avid anti-war activist who was jailed for saying the rich have always called for war and the poor have always fought and died in them; and a five-time candidate for President with the Socialist Party, receiving more than a million votes while he was in prison in 1920. Debs is also known for the quote, which embodies Bob’s philosophy: “while there is a lower class, I am in it, and while there is a criminal element I am of it, and while there is a soul in prison, I am not free.”

Bob was politically active in his college years as a Ford Foundation Fellow working in the Michigan State legislature. He was a member of the Human Rights Party in Michigan, founded by Zolton Ferency and worked with activists like Michael Moore. He also was a founder of the Democratic Socialist caucus in the Michigan Democratic Party in the late 70s and early 80s. He was one of the founding members of the Democratic Socialists of America. He founded the group Democratic Socialists of Central Ohio (DSCO) in 1988, served on the National Political Committee of DSA in the mid-1990s, and remains a member.

Bob helped manage the successful campaigns of Democrats Mary Jo Kilroy for Columbus School Board and Anne Taylor for Judge in 1991. He was a Democratic candidate for Congress in the 12th district in 1992, running against incumbent John Kasich. Bob was a Jerry Brown delegate to the 1992 National Democratic Convention and represented Brown at the platform hearings in Washington DC that year, opposing Clinton for his support of NAFTA and the death penalty. He also served on the Franklin County Democratic Central Committee under Chair Fran Ryan and was the elected 55th ward person from 1996-2000.

In 2003, Bob ran as a Green Party endorsed candidate for Columbus City Council in the primary and narrowly missed advancing to the general election. Bob with his good friend Bill Moss ran as endorsed Greens for Columbus School Board against a united slate of Democratic and Republican candidates to barely defeat them in the primary.

Bob ran for Governor of Ohio in 2006, where he was able to expose the election fraud activities of his Republican opponent the Ohio Secretary of State J. Kenneth Blackwell. In 2008 he was a delegate to National Green Party convention. Bob served as a Central Committee member for the Green Party of Franklin County and State of Ohio from 2010 to 2017 and served as co-Chair of the State of Ohio with Anita Rios. He serves as a Near East Area Commissioner in Columbus since 2003.

Bob Fitrakis on “Fight Back”: The Davis Besse Nuclear Plant and Ohio Green Party Senate candidate Joe DeMare Bob interviews Michael Keegan of Beyond Nuclear and Joe DeMare, the Green Party’s candidate for Ohio Senate.

Listen and call in this Wednesday, February 29 – 7-8 PM EST Call 877-932-9766

Here’s how to call in to the LIVE INTERNET radio show: (on your computer – not on your broadcast radio dial) On Wednesday nights at 7:00 pm Go to: Click on “Listen Live” Call 877-932-9766 All shows rebroadcast on WCRSFM community radio 98.3/102.1 Wednesdays at 8pm

for further information on Beyond Nuclear:

or read here:

For Immediate Release, Tuesday, January 10, 2012
Kevin Kamps, Beyond Nuclear, (240) 462-3216
Michael Keegan, Don’t Waste Michigan, (734) 770-1441
Joseph DeMare, Green Party of Ohio, (419) 973-5841
Terry Lodge, attorney, (419) 205-7084 Read more