
WCRS Podcast – fightback

Fight Back Nov. 22, 2011 – Columbus Coalition for Responsive Government’s petition drive to expand Columbus City Council

Submitted by fightback on Tue, 11/22/2011 – 6:40pm

Bob and Connie interview James Moore and talk about why Columbus City Council needs district representation to be more responsive to citizen needs and stop doing things like bailing out the hockey arena

29:58 minutes (27.44 MB)

Fight Back Nov. 17, 2011

Submitted by fightback on Thu, 11/17/2011 – 10:09pm

Bob Fitrakis and Connie Gadell-Newton interview filmmaker Kaveh Nabatien whose film is a Columbus International Film Festival Award winner – Vapor. Also, they interview actor Praq Rado, who is in another festival film, Dreaming American.

29:55 minutes (27.39 MB)

Fight Back 11012011 Keystone pipeline

Submitted by fightback on Tue, 11/01/2011 – 5:27pm

Bob interviews Alec Johnson on the Keystone pipeline

29:35 minutes (27.09 MB)

Fight Back October 25, 2011 – Occupy movement

Submitted by fightback on Tue, 10/25/2011 – 5:34pm

Bob and Connie talk about the Occupy movement, anti-corporatism and modeling classes

29:58 minutes (27.44 MB)