
Join the Green Party to march in the
Pride Parade this weekend and
Join us for the Free Press FREE Movie on Tuesday!

March in the Columbus Pride Parade Saturday, June 21 @ 11am Join the Franklin County Green Party and the Hart for Congress campaign Meet on Front Street (between Main and Broad) at 11am. Look for the Hart for Congress banner or call 614-374-2380 for directions.

March in the Columbus Pride Parade
Saturday, June 21 @ 11am
Join the Franklin County Green Party and the
Hart for Congress campaign
Meet on Front Street (between Main and Broad) at 11am. Look for the Hart for Congress banner or call 614-374-2380 for directions.

<a href=Growing Cities: A Film about Urban Farming in America Tuesday, June 24, 7:30pm Drexel Theater, 2254 E. Main St. This award-winning documentary examines the role of urban farming in America and asks how much power it has to revitalize our cities and to change the way we eat. A question-and-answer discussion will follow with a panel moderated by Michelle Moskowitz Brown, Director of Local Matters. Co-sponsored by Simply Living, the Columbus Free Press, and the Columbus Film Council. Contact: or call 614-354-6172 or (614) 253-2571

Tuesday, June 26, 7:30pm
Drexel Theater, 2254 E. Main St., Bexley

Contested Streets explores the history of 20th Century transportation in America and how we got into the auto-supreme society with its lack of transportation options. The movie takes us to the European cities of Copenhagen, Paris and London and shows the steps they have taken to make their cities more multimodal. 57 minutes
Moving Beyond the Automobile is a series of segments on new and more progressive policies and transportation elements that are happening which are making our cities easier to navigate. These include bus rapid transit, highway removal, transit-oriented development, traffic calming and more. 39 minutes
Ben Wickizer, Sierra Club staff person who works on transportation issues, will be there to lead a discussion afterwards. The Sierra Club will have postcards for people to sign and a sheet where people can sign up to get more information on transportation issues, plus literature., 253-2571

Tuesday, February 28, 2012• 7:30pm – 9:00pm – followed by discussion.
Director Judy Jackson has taken a tough emotional journey in this penetrating study of PTSD and our young war veterans. It’s called Post Traumatic Stress Disorder: the unending echo of battle etched in the brain may affect up to 15% of soldiers by some estimates. It can destroy families, and can leave its sufferers unable to work, addiction addled and changed. All the soldiers who bravely speak out in this film are doing so because they want us to understand what they endure. They also want to reach out to others who are suffering in silence, and may feel the only way of ending their pain is ending their lives. War in the Mind also investigates the issue of soldier suicide. Statistics from past and present wars tell the sad story of the magnitude of this problem. Families who have felt invisible, their sons’ stories unacknowledged, tell of the impact of their loss.
Sponsored by the Free Press, the Drexel Theater, the Film County of Greater Columbus and the Central Ohio Green Education Fund.
Drexel Theater, 2254 E. Main St., Bexley. Contact the Free Press: 253-2571,